NOTICE: Leeward Community College is currently experiencing technical issues with the College’s telephone system. Both incoming and outgoing calls are unavailable. The phone issue is being investigated, but we do not have a timeline on when it will be resolved. Updates will be posted when available. Mahalo for your patience and understanding.

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Eligibility Requirements

Details about Financial Aid for Summer 2024 will be available soon. Be sure your 2023-2024 FAFSA is on file with us.

Basic Eligibility Requirements

You must meet ALL of the following:


    Contact Information

    Contact the Financial Aid Office
    Please use your UH email account when communicating with us via email. Please also include your student ID # in your message. If you do not have a UH email account, “Get a UH Username!” to create an account. Our response time for emailed questions may take an estimated 3–5 business days during peak times.

    Monday through Friday, 8:00 am to 4:00 pm

    96-045 Ala Ike, AD 201 (Student Services Welcome Center)
    Pearl City, HI 96782

    Phone: (808) 455-0606
    Fax: (808) 454-8804
    Federal School Code: 004549