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Student Consumer Info
Student Right To Know
This Consumer Information is disseminated to all Leeward Community College students every semester via student email. Paper copies of this information are available in the Office of the Dean of Student Services, temporary location in DH Quad, DH-A 105, and in the Student Life Office, temporarily located in the Student Center, second floor.
In compliance with federal law, we are sharing the information that must be disclosed, where to find the information online, and the contact information for the responsible departments.
For your convenience, most of this information is also provided in the College Catalog, and additional policies are listed on our website.
If you have questions or would like to request a paper copy of any materials, please call or e-mail the appropriate office or visit the indicated websites.
Keep your Student record updated
- Make sure you’re going to meet all of your degree requirements.
Keep your student record updated.
Availability of Employees for Information Dissemination
The employees or group of employees listed below are designated to assist enrolled or prospective students with information from the office listed.
Academic Affairs – Keala Chock, keala.chock@hawaii.edu, (808) 455-0453
Academic Services – Leanne Riseley, leanne.riseley@hawaii.edu, (808) 455-0440
Administrative Services – Kelli Brandvold, kellib@hawaii.edu, (808) 455-0213
Admissions and Records – Grant Helgeson, helgeson@hawaii.edu, (808) 455-0646
Arts & Sciences – James Goodman, goodmanj@hawaii.edu (808) 455-0664
Bookstore – Jodee Dang, sakaida@hawaii.edu, (808) 455-0205
Campus Security – Will Akama, akama@hawaii.edu, (808) 455-0611
Career & Technical Education – Ron Umehira, umehira@hawaii.edu, (808) 455-0321
Cashier – Patty Umetsu, pumetsu4@hawaii.edu, (808) 455-0328
Chancellor – Carlos Peñaloza, carlospe@hawaii.edu, (808) 455-0215
Disability – Kris Hernandez, khernand@hawaii.edu, (808) 455-0421
Financial Aid – Gregg Yoshimura, greggy@hawaii.edu, (808) 455-0606
Institutional Research – Office of Policy, Planning Policy & Research, oppa@hawaii.edu, (808) 455-0597
Marketing – Tad Saiki, tads@hawaii.edu, (808) 455-0531
Student Services – Stu Uesato, uesato@hawaii.edu, (808) 455-0260
Title IX and Student Conduct – Thomas Hirsbrunner, leetix@hawaii.edu, (808) 455-0478
Veteran’s Resource Center – LeeAnne Egan, leeanne@hawaii.edu, (808) 455-0274
Academic Probation Policy
Leeward CC’s Academic Probation and Suspension/Unsatisfactory Academic Progress (UAP) Policy consists of standards of satisfactory academic progress set by the institution which all students are expected to meet and maintain. For Federal Financial Aid purposes, students must meet and maintain the standards set by Leeward CC’s Financial Aid Office.
Leeward CC’s Unsatisfactory Academic Progress (UAP) Policy and Financial Aid’s Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) Policy are assessed and determined independently of each other.
Counseling Office, (808) 455-0233
Financial Aid Office, lccfao@hawaii.edu, (808) 455-0606
Academic Programs and Institutional Information
Leeward CC offers more than 60 degrees and certificates that provide opportunities for students to transfer to four-year universities and opportunities for workforce development for the community.
Information regarding programs offered at Leeward CC is available here and in the College Catalog.
For Federal Financial Aid purposes, all associate programs and some certificate programs are eligible for financial aid funding. For a list of eligible certificate programs, click here.
The Office of Academic Affairs, (808) 455-0453
Financial Aid Office, lccfao@hawaii.edu, (808) 455-0606
Accreditation Statement
Accreditation is a process that evaluates and assures that the quality of education that Leeward CC provides meets or exceeds the standards of good practice, qualifies the institution to participate in Title IV student financial aid programs, provides a self and peer review and encourages improvement. Leeward CC is accredited by the Accrediting Commission for Community and Junior College (ACCJC), an institutional accrediting body recognized by the Council on Postsecondary Accreditation and the U.S. Department of Education. Leeward CC also has four programs with external accreditations. The College’s accreditation was most recently renewed in 2019. Leeward CC also has four programs with additional, external accreditations.
Information regarding current and past accreditations can be found here.
Contact: The Office of the Chancellor, (808) 455-0215
Alcohol and Drug Free Campus Policy
Leeward CC complies with the Executive Policy (EP 11.201), Illegal Drugs, Alcohol, and Substance Abuse, established by the University of Hawaii Office of the President. EP 11.201 was established pursuant to the requirements of the federal Drug-Free Workplace Act of 1988 and the Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act of 1989. EP 11.201 can be found here:
Dean of Student Services Office, Phone: (808) 455-0260
The Office of the Chancellor, Phone: (808) 455-0215
Leeward CC’s Bookstore, located on the Pearl City campus, provides students with textbooks, workbooks, and a variety of school supplies. The Bookstore also offers services such as Online Book Purchasing, a Textbook Price Comparison Tool, a Textbook Rental Program, and a Textbook Buyback Service.
Contact: The Bookstore, Phone: (808) 455-0205
Campus Annual Security Report
Pursuant to the Higher Education Opportunity Act (HEOA) and the Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act (Clery Act), as amended, Leeward CC publishes an Annual Security Report (ASR) on October 1 of each year. The federal laws also require colleges and universities to:
- Include in the ASR, three years of specific crime statistics and certain security policy statements and have the ASR made available to all current and prospective students and employees;
- Provide “timely warning” notices of those crimes that have occurred and that pose an ongoing threat to the campus community;
- Issue emergency notifications, upon the confirmation of a significant emergency or dangerous situation involving an immediate threat to the health or safety of the campus community; and
- Maintain a log of all crimes reported to the Campus Security Office and ensure public access to the crime log is available during normal business hours.
Copies of current and past Campus Annual Security Reports are available here.
The Chancellor’s Office, (808) 455-0215
Vice Chancellor for Administrative Services Office, (808) 455-0213
Leeward CC Campus Security, (808) 455-0610
Code of Conduct for Educational Loans
The Leeward Community College Financial Aid Office is expected to maintain exemplary standards of professional conduct in carrying out all aspects of its responsibilities and must avoid any conflicts of interest with respect to federal and private education loans. As members of the National Association of Student Financial Aid Administrators (NASFAA), the Leeward Community College Financial Aid Office is also bound by the NASFAA Code of Conduct. The college’s Code of Conduct for Educational Loans is available at the Financial Aid Office.
Leeward Community College does not partner with lenders. The college processes all federal student loans via the William D. Ford Federal Direct Loan Program.
Contact: Financial Aid Office, lccfao@hawaii.edu, (808) 455-0606
College Credit Equivalency/Transfer Credits
Students who have previous college, life, and/or work experiences that have allowed them to gain significant knowledge or skills might be able to translate that knowledge and/or skills into college credit through Leeward CC’s Prior Learning Assessment Program (PLA). Via the PLA Program, students can earn credit in 1 of 4 ways: transferring college credits; demonstrating proficiency via equivalency examinations, such as Advanced Placement (AP) and College Level Examination Program (CLEP); earning credit by exam, back language credits and/or portfolio-based assessments; and independent study.
Constitution Day
In accordance with federal law, Leeward Community College, as an educational institution receiving Federal funding, holds an educational program about the United States Constitution on September 17 of each year for its students.
Leeward CC ASUH
Phone: (808) 455-0248
Copy Infringement and File Sharing
Use of all University of Hawaiʻi Information Technology Resources is governed by UH Executive Policy EP2.210: Use and Management of Information Technology Resources. Continued use of UH Username and University Information Technology Resources by a student indicates acceptance of, and agreement to, Executive Policy EP2.210. The complete policy can be found online here.
Unauthorized downloading and distribution of copyrighted material (songs, movies, software, games, etc.) is illegal and in violation of Federal Copyright Laws and may subject violators to civil and criminal liabilities.
More information is available at the U.S. Copyright Office website and their Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ).
Contact: IT Help Desk, lcchelp@hawaii.edu, (808) 455-0271
Cost of Attendance
Cost of attendance is the average cost for standard expenses used to determine financial aid eligibility. Standard expenses include tuition and fees, books and supplies, room and board, personal expenses, and transportation. The cost of attendance varies on the type of school, enrollment status, housing status, and residency status.
Contact: Financial Aid Office, lccfao@hawaii.edu, (808) 455-0606
Leeward CC offers an array of counseling services throughout the academic year and summer months. Over 20 Counselors work to provide a comprehensive program of individual and group counseling to help students pursue educational and career goals and with personal growth and development. Counseling and advising services are available both at the Leeward CC Pearl City and the Leeward CC Waianae locations.
For more information, visit our Counseling page.
Counseling Office, (808) 455-0233
Disability Services Office
The Disability Services Office provides services to students with documented disabilities that will enable them to maximize their learning experience and independence to the fullest extent possible. The office also works to increase the level of awareness among all members of the college community so that students with learning challenges feel comfortable and do not feel limited in their abilities to strive for and achieve excellence.
Eligibility for these services is determined individually based on documented needs. Early planning is essential for many of the resources and accommodations provided so we ask that you contact us at the earliest possible date in order for us to assist you.
Kris Hernandez, Coordinator/Disability Specialist
khernand@hawaii.edu, (808) 455-0421
Allan Nebrija, Disability Specialist
anebrija@hawaii.edu, (808) 455-0405
Educational Loans
Cohort Default Rate
Each year the U.S. Department of Education publishes cohort default rates based on the percentage of student borrowers who enter repayment on certain federal student loans during a federal fiscal year (October 1 to September 30) and default prior to the end of the next fiscal year.
The most current official cohort default rate for Leeward CC is 0.0 percent and the national cohort default rate is 0.0 percent. The percentage of students who borrow loans at Leeward CC is 2.5 percent.
The FY 2020 cohort default rates were significantly impacted by the pause on federal student loan payments that began March 13, 2020. During the pause, borrowers with ED-held student loans were not required to make any payments, and no borrowers with ED-held loans entered default.
For more information about Leeward CC’s student loans, including its Cohort Default Rate, visit the College Navigator website.
Emergency Notification System
UH Alert Emergency Notification System (Navigate under Campus Safety)
The UH Alert emergency notification system provides notifications to the university community in the event of an emergency. Alerts are sent to all hawaii.edu email addresses and can also be sent via text message to student, faculty, and staff cell phones. Members of the UH community must sign up for UH Alert (UH System) in order to receive the notifications.
Contact: Lori Lei Hayashi, Human Resources Manager, EEO/AA Coordinator, and Deputy Title IX Coordinator for Employees
lhayashi@hawaii.edu, (808) 455-0657
Federal Education Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)
In accordance with the Family Education Rights and Privacy Act of 1974, as amended (FERPA), Leeward Community College students have the right to inspect and review their official education records and request the amendment of their education records. Students also have the right to provide written consent before Leeward Community College discloses personally identifiable information from the student’s education records, except to the extent that FERPA authorizes disclosure without consent. Students seeking to inspect their record(s) should submit a written request to the Leeward Community College Registrar.
Contact: Registrar’s Office at (808) 455-0644.
Financial Aid
Financial Aid is money to help students and their families pay for a college education. Financial Aid is any grant or scholarship, loan, or paid employment offered to help you pay for college expenses. Such aid is usually provided by various sources such as federal and state agencies, colleges, high schools, foundations, and corporations.
To determine if you are eligible to receive federal financial aid at Leeward Community College students must complete the FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid).
Contact: Financial Aid Office, lccfao@hawaii.edu, (808) 455-0606
Hours of Operation:
Monday – Friday 8:00 am – 4:30 pm, except Federal and State Holidays
Leeward Community College
Financial Aid Office
96-045 Ala ‘Ike
Pearl City, HI 96782
Graduation, Persistence and Transfer Rates
Information regarding the graduation, persistence and transfer of Leeward CC students is collected by the College and by the University of Hawaii system and is analyzed regularly. For additional information, please see Leeward Community College Fast Facts.
For more information, please contact:
Office of Policy, Planning, and Assessment, (808) 455-0597
Office of Vice-Chancellor for Academic Affairs, (808) 455-0453
Keep your Student record updated
- Make sure you’re going to meet all of your degree requirements.
Keep your student record updated.
Immunization, COVID-19, and TB Compliance
Tuberculosis Clearance
In compliance with public health regulations, new students must show evidence that they are free of active tuberculosis before they are allowed to register for courses. TB clearances done at the age of 16 or older will be accepted. The following TB Clearances will be accepted.
- State of Hawaii TB Risk Assessment Form F
- Negative PPD skin test or Negative Chest X-ray done in the United States
- Negative QuantiFERON blood test.
TB clearances may be obtained from
- Private physicians or medical clinics
- Leeward CC Student Health Center
- Free testing is available at the State of Hawaii Tuberculosis Control Program clinics.
Note: TB Clearance policies are subject to change; check with the Admissions Office for the most current information
Immunization Clearance
A record of immunizations, signed or stamped by a U.S. licensed practitioner (physician, Advanced Practice Registered Nurse, or Physician Assistant) or the Hawai’i Department of Health, must be presented for school attendance.
- 2 doses of Measles, Mumps, and Rubella (MMR) are required if born after the year 1956
(Although positive titers for Measles and for Rubella are accepted, the Hawaii DOH does not accept the Mumps titers. Therefore, documentation of 2 MMRs is required.)
- 1 dose of Tetanus-diphtheria-pertussis (Tdap) on or after age 10
- 2 doses of Chickenpox /Varicella (Varivax) are required if born in the U.S. after the year 1979
COVID-19 Clearance
All students who will be on campus are required to be fully vaccinated for the COVID-19 virus. In order to register for on-campus (including hybrid) courses, you must upload your COVID-19 vaccination card to the LumiSight UH daily health check app. If you have not completed and uploaded your vaccine series or received an exemption, you will only be able to register for online classes.
For more information see the Student Health Center website
Or contact:
Admissions and Records Office at (808) 455-0642
Student Health Center at (808) 455-0515
Net Price Calculator
The Net Price Calculator is intended to provide estimated net price information (defined as the estimated cost of attendance — including tuition and required fees, books and supplies, room and board (meals), and other related expenses — minus estimated grant and scholarship aid) to current and prospective students and their families based on what similar students paid in a previous year.
Contact: Financial Aid Office, lccfao@hawaii.edu, (808) 455-0606
Network Security
Leeward Community College, in partnership with UH Information Technology Services (ITS), provides software, services, and technical support to protect the UH community against computer viruses and security threats.
Users of University information technology resources should always engage in responsible computing and network practices. All users must respect property, security mechanisms, right to privacy, and freedom from intimidation, harassment, and annoyance in accordance with all University policies and procedures.
Use of all University of Hawaiʻi Information Technology Resources is governed by UH Executive Policy EP2.210: Use and Management of Information Technology Resources. Continued use of a UH Username and University Information Technology Resources indicates acceptance of, and agreement to, Executive Policy EP2.210.
The University defines and provides access to institutional computers, information systems, and networks as a privilege rather than as a right. Reliable and safe access to the University’s information resources requires that users accept their responsibility to behave in ways that protect the community and preserve their own access.
For more information on IT security click here. Technical support is available at the Help Desk (lcchelp@hawaii.edu).
Contact: IT Computing Services Department, (808) 984-3283
Nondiscrimination Statement
It is the policy of the University to provide equity of opportunity in higher education, both in the educational mission and as an employer. The University is committed to complying with all State and Federal statutes, rules, and regulations that prohibit discrimination. The University is committed to a policy of nondiscrimination on the basis of race, sex, gender identity and expression, age, religion, color, national origin, ancestry, citizenship, disability, genetic information, marital status, breastfeeding, income assignment for child support, arrest and court record (except as permissible under State law), sexual orientation, national guard absence, or status as a covered veteran.
See Executive Policy EP1.202 on Nondiscrimination and Affirmative Action (PDF)
Office of the Chancellor, Phone: (808) 455-0215
Office of Human Resources, (808) 455-0326
Notice of Language Assistance
If you have difficulty communicating in English, you have the right to language assistance at no cost to you. Please email the Dean of Student Services or call 808-455-0260. Provide your language spoken, name, and phone number.
(Traditional Chinese / 繁體中文) 如果您用英語交流有困難,您有權得到免費的語言幫助。 請聯繫以下電話或電子郵件以獲得更多信息。請告知所說語言、姓名和電話號碼。
(Simplified Chinese / 简体中文) 如果您用英语交流有困难,您有权得到免费的语言帮助。 请联系以下电话或电子邮件以获得更多信息。请告知所说语言、姓名和电话号码。
(Japanese / 日本語) 言語支援のご案内
(Korean / 한국어) 영어를 이해하는데 어려움이 있는 경우, 무료로 통역 지원을 받을 권리가 있습니다. 더 자세한 정보는 아래에 나열된 전화 또는 이메일로 연락하세요. 본인의 사용 언어, 이름 및 전화번호를 제공하세요.
(Hawaiian / ʻŌlelo Hawaiʻi) Ina pilikia oe ma ke kamailio ana ma ka olelo Pelekania, he kuleana no kou e lawelaweia ma ke kokua olelo me ka uku ole. E kelepona i ka helu kelepona malalo nei a i ole leka aku i ka helu wahi i hoikeia no kekahi ike hou aku. E hoike mai i kau olelo makaukau, kou inoa, a me kou helu kelepona.
(Chuukese / Kapasen Chuuk) Ika epwe weires omw kopwe pworaus non fóós un Merika, mi wor omw pwúúng omw kopwe angei aninnisin aweween fóós esapw kame. Please Kose mochen kékkééri t ewe nampan fon ika email a mmak fan ren tichikin pworaus. Affata ewe fóós ka nounou, itomw, me nampan noumw.
(Ilokano / Ilokano) Nu marigatan ka a makisarita wenno makikomunikasyon iti Ingles, karbengam nga dumawat iti tulong para ti lenggwahe ken awan ti bayad na dayta a serbisyo. Para ti kanayonan nga impormasyon, kontakem ti numero ti telepono wenno email a nakalanad iti baba. Ket ibagam ti lenggwahem, nagan mo, ken numero ti teleponom.
(Tagalog / Tagalog) Kung nahihirapan kang makipag-usap o makipagtalastasan sa wikang Ingles, karapatan mong humingi ng tulong para sa lenggwahe at libre ang serbisyong ito. Para sa karagdagang impormasyon, makipag-ugnayan sa numero ng telepono o email na nakasulat sa ibaba. Ipaalam ang iyong lenggwahe, ang iyong pangalan at numero ng iyong telepono.
(Samoan / Gagana Samoa) Afai e faigatā ona ē talanoa i le Igilisi, e i ai lau aiā e maua ai le fesoasoani tau gagana e aunoa ma se tupe e te totogi ina. Fa’amolemole fa’afeso’ota’i le telefoni po o le imeli o lo o tusia i lalo mo nisi fa’amatalaga. Ta’u mai lau gagana, lou suafa, ma le numera o lau telefoni.
(Tongan / Lea faka-Tonga) Kapau ‘oku faingata’a ke mahino kiate koe ‘a e lea faka-Papalangi, ‘oku ‘i ai ho’o totonu ke ke ma’u ha tokoni fakatonulea ‘ikai totongi. Kataki ‘o fetu’utaki ki he fika telefoni pe ‘imeili ‘i lalo ki ha toe fakaikiiki ange. Fakahaa’i mai ai e lea ‘oku ke ngaue’aki, ho hingoa, mo ho’o fika telefoni.
(Spanish / Español) Si usted tiene dificultad para comunicarse en inglés, usted tiene el derecho a la ayuda con el idioma sin costo para usted. Por favor, póngase en contacto con el teléfono o correo electrónico a continuación para obtener más información. Indique su número de teléfono, idioma y nombre.
(Cebuano / Sugboanon) Kon kamo adunay kalisud sa pagsabut sa Iningles, naa moy katungod sa pagdawat sa tabang sa pinulongan nga walay gasto kaninyo. Palihog kontaka ang telepono o email nga gilista sa ubos alang sa dugang nga impormasyon. Paghatag sa imong masulti nga pinulongan, ngalan, ug numero sa telepono.
(Vietnamese / Tiếng Việt) Nếu quý vị thấy khó khăn khi giao tiếp bằng tiếng Anh, quý vị có quyền nhận được sự hỗ trợ ngôn ngữ miễn phí. Vui lòng liên lạc qua điện thoại hay thư điện tử liệt kê dưới đây để biết thêm thông tin. Xin cho biết ngôn ngữ quý vị nói, tên và số điện thoại của quý vị.
(Marshallese / Kajin Majôl) Elañe kwōjjab maroñ kōnono kajin Pālle, ewōr am jimwe ñan jibañ ko ikijien ukok ilo ejelok wōnen. Jouj im kurlok’ talpoon numba ne ak email ne ej lajraak laal ñan melele ko rellap lok. Kalikkar kajjin eo am, etam kab talpoon numba eo am.
Out of State Online Information (NC-SARA)
State Authorization of Distance Learning
State authorization is a requirement in the Higher Education Act that requires institutions to be authorized to offer distance education (online) content to students who reside in a state other than the institution’s home state. See State Authorization for more information.
Leeward Community College is an approved institution of the National Council for State Authorization Reciprocity Agreement (NC-SARA). As an NC-SARA institution, Leeward is approved to offer distance education to students who reside in other NC-SARA-approved states. The Office of the Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs is responsible for maintaining NC-SARA-related documents.
Supervised Field Experiences for Out-of-State Students
Regardless of NC-SARA membership, some states continue to regulate supervised field experiences including, but not limited to, internships, externships, and practicums. For this reason, Leeward Community College may not be able to admit students to courses requiring such supervised field experiences.
Programs Leading to Professional Licensure for Out-of-State Students
NC-SARA does not regulate professional licensing board approval for courses or programs leading to professional licensure. If you are not a resident of Hawaiʻi and are taking or have an interest in taking courses that lead to professional licensure, Leeward Community College recommends that you contact the appropriate licensing agency within your home state prior to beginning coursework at Leeward to determine whether the program meets the requirements for licensure in your home state. See Professional Licensure Boards by state.
Transfers and Articulations
Leeward Community College has agreements with other institutions enabling students to meet admission requirements and/or transfer credits. Students interested in transferring to another institution should meet with an academic counselor before starting a course of study leading to a transfer program. For more information regarding Transfer Programs, see Transfer Programs.
Prior Learning Assessment
If you have previous life and work experiences where you gained significant knowledge or skills, you might be able to translate those skills and knowledge into college credit through our Prior Learning Assessment (PLA) program. For more information see Prior Learning Assessment.
Refund Policies
When submitting your registration, you assume responsibility for tuition, fees, and charges. Tuition and fees are non-refundable after the refund deadline. In order to avoid an outstanding financial obligation to the college, you must officially drop your class within the stated refund period. Non-attendance does not constitute a refund or removal of the debt. See Tuition and Fees for more information.
Student Grievance Process for Out-of-State Students
Leeward Community College is committed to providing clearly stated, timely, and accessible methods for resolving student grievances. Students who attend Leeward, but reside outside of Hawaiʻi should follow the Academic Grievance Policy and Procedure or the University of Hawaiʻi System Student Code of Conduct Code as written.
Grade appeals and student conduct violations are governed entirely by Leeward Community College policies and are not allowed under the terms of NC-SARA. Students should follow the NC-SARA Complaint Process for complaints that include but are not limited to accuracy of job placement data, tuition or fee information, accreditation, accuracy of relevant licensure requirements, or course transfer information.
Leeward Community College Procedures For Determining Student Location And For Student Professional Licensure Notifications
Federal regulations require Leeward Community College to directly notify students who are currently enrolled or wish to enroll in degree programs leading to licensure when these programs do not meet licensure requirements in the state in which they are located or when a determination has not been made.
A student’s location shall be defined as the place in which a student is currently living (e.g., current address as entered on MyUH) at the time of enrollment in professional or occupational licensure or certification program, not the student’s state of residency.
Teacher Education is the only program with degrees leading to required licensure for employment at Leeward Community College. Procedures to notify students of this program are as follows:
The Advanced Professional Certificate in Special Education Application includes this mandatory question:
“Prior to making any financial commitment to enroll in this licensure program, I understand that this program does not meet professional licensure requirements outside of the State of Hawaiʻi” followed by a checkbox (required to submit an application) with, “I acknowledge that I have been provided with this information and agree to the terms and conditions”.
All advanced Professional Certificate in Special Education licensure courses (ED 330, ED 331, ED 332, ED 334, ED 335, ED 393S, and ED 336) have the following on their syllabus template:
“This program does not meet the professional licensure requirements outside of the State of Hawaiʻi. If you are not a resident of Hawai’i or move out of state while in this program, Leeward Community College recommends that you contact the appropriate licensing agency within your state to determine local licensure requirements. Please see Professional Licensure Boards by state.”
The Teacher Education program is responsible for monitoring changes to their student’s location and for sending direct disclosure communications as warranted for students whose state changes.
Return to Title IV Funds Policy
In accordance with the Higher Education Act of 1965, as amended, and applicable federal regulations, Leeward Community College has published a “Return of Title IV Funds Handout”, which outlines the institution’s policy for the return of Title IV aid. When a student who receives Title IV financial aid (consisting of federal grants and/or loans) withdraws from all courses during the semester, fails to earn a passing grade in any course during the semester, or stops attending before completing the semester, the student may be required to pay back a portion, or all, of the financial aid.
Students who receive Title IV financial aid and are contemplating not completing a semester should contact the Financial Aid Office to discuss the effects of not completing their classes.
Contact: Financial Aid Office, lccfao@hawaii.edu, (808) 455-0606
Safe Zone Program
The Safe Zone Program exists to create and maintain a positive social, academic, and employment environment at Leeward Community College for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and intersex faculty, staff, and students. The Program ensures the enforcement of state law and UH policy that prohibit harassment and discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation.
For more information and resources or email.
Contact: Dean of Student Services at 808-455-0260
Sexual Discrimination and Gender-Based Violence
The University of Hawai’i is committed to maintaining and promoting safe and respectful campus environments that are free from sex discrimination and gender-based violence. This includes:
- Sex discrimination;
- Sexual harassment;
- Gender-based harassment, including harassment based on actual or perceived sex, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, or gender expression;
- Sexual exploitation;
- Sexual assault;
- Domestic violence;
- Dating violence; and
- Stalking.
Interim Policy and Procedure on Sex Discrimination and Gender-Based Violence, EP1.204
Contacts (non-confidential)
Thomas Hirsbrunner
Title IX Coordinator
(808) 455-0478
Lori Lei Hayashi
Title IX Deputy Coordinator for Employees
(808) 455-0657
Michelle Igarashi
Title IX Deputy Coordinator for Students
(808) 455-0236
Danny Wyatt
Title IX Deputy Coordinator for Students, Waianae Moku Campus
(808) 454-4704
Contacts (confidential)
Leeward CC’s Student Health Center
(808) 455-0515
Smoke-Free Campus Policy
All University of Hawai’i campuses, including Leeward CC, are tobacco-free, joining more than 2,000 U.S. universities and colleges in an effort to provide a healthy environment for all students, faculty, and staff. State law prohibits the use of tobacco products on all 10 UH campuses and University-owned facilities. Tobacco products include, but are not limited to, cigarettes, cigars, pipes, smoking tobacco, electronic cigarettes, vapes, and chewing tobacco.
A copy of the Smoke-Free Campus Policy is available here.
Contact: The Office of the Vice Chancellor of Administrative Services, (808) 455-0213
Special Population Programs
Leeward CC offers a number of programs for targeted populations:
- Disability Services Office provides services to students with documented disabilities that will enable them to maximize their learning experience and independence to the fullest extent possible. For more information, call (808) 455-0405 or email.
- Hālau ʻIke O Puʻuloa is an academically rigorous and culturally relevant pu’uhonua (place of refuge). The Hālau’s mission is to inspire excellence, promote growth, and advance opportunities for Native Hawaiians. For more information, call (808) 455-0555 or email.
- HINET Hoʻola ʻIke (gift of knowledge) program was created to deliver assistance and support for college and workforce training. The program is a partnership between Leeward and the State of Hawai’i Department of Human Services. Benefits include reimbursement for school books, tools, supplies, and transportation. For more information, call (808) 455-0563 or email.
- International Programs Office seeks to support, promote, and advance an international dimension on the Leeward campus to facilitate a greater appreciation of cross-cultural relations. Services include supporting international students in the application, registration, and arrival process and continued monitoring of their progress for the duration of their stay. For more information, call (808) 455-0570 or email.
- Veterans Resource Center (VRC) helps veterans and active military students transition into college life and academic success. The VRC offers assistance in accessing VA benefits and VA healthcare through the Veteran Success on Campus (VSOC) and Veterans in Transition to Academic Leadership (VITAL) programs. For more information, call (808) 455-0410.
Strategic Directions
Leeward CC’s Strategic Plan is aligned with the University of Hawai’i Community College (UHCC) System and the University of Hawai’i (UH) System Strategic Plans to establish a focus on critical issues affecting the colleges and the State and to set budget priorities. This unified approach provides a framework for the integration of assessment, planning, and budgeting processes for the College. Stated performance measures with benchmarks and projected targets will provide evidence of the College’s progress toward meeting its strategic outcomes.
Contact: The Office of the Chancellor, (808) 455-0215
Student Academic Grievance Procedure
Leeward CC’s Student Academic Grievance Policy and Procedures provide for the consistent and equitable resolution of legitimate student academic grievances. Such matters are most appropriately handled in communication with the instructor, then the program coordinator if appropriate, then the Division Chair, and then through a formal prescribed grievance procedure.
Contact: The Office of Academic Affairs, Phone: (808) 455-0453
Student Conduct Code
The Student Conduct Code highlights the rights and responsibilities of students in ensuring that Leeward CC is a safe learning environment. It defines the expected conduct for students and specifies acts subject to University sanctions. Students should familiarize themselves with the Student Conduct Code and procedures since upon enrollment at Leeward CC, students are subject to the policies and regulations of the College.
The Office of the Dean of Student Services, (808) 455-0260
Thomas Hirsbrunner, Title IX Coordinator, leetix@hawaii.edu, (808) 455-0478
Student Diversity
Leeward has a diverse student population.
Fall 2017 ethnicity breakdown:
- Hawaiian/ Part Hawaiian 30%
- Filipino 21%
- Chinese 1%
- Japanese 3%
- Pacific Islander 3%
- All Other 16%
- Mixed 16%
- Caucasian 10%
Student Government
The Associated Students of University of Hawai’i – Leeward CC (ASUH-Leeward CC) is the official student government organization. It is governed by an Executive Board comprised of the President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer. The student government’s major responsibilities include the budgeting and management of the student activities fees, advocating student needs at the campus and system level, and establishing of policies and programs for students.
Contact: Student Life Office, (808) 455-0208
Transfer Programs and Articulation Agreements
Leeward CC has agreements with other institutions enabling students to meet admission requirements and/or transfer credits. College transfer workshops are offered throughout the year so students can meet with representatives from colleges they may be interested in. Students interested in transferring to another institution should meet with an academic counselor before starting a course of study leading to a transfer program.
Contact: Counseling Office, Phone: (808) 455-0233 or (808) 455-0234
Tuition Refund Policy
The amount of refund for a class depends on the date of the beginning of the session and the date on which the student withdraws from the class. In the event that a student initiates a complete withdrawal from Leeward CC or a change from full-time to part-time status during the three-week refund period for semester-long classes, tuition and fees are refunded as follows:
- 100% refund of tuition and fees for complete withdrawal only if made on or before the last day of late registration.
- 100% refund of tuition only (no fees) for partial withdrawal if made on or before the last day of late registration.
- 50% refund of tuition (no fees) if complete withdrawal or change in status or a change from one tuition rate to another tuition rate if made within the first three weeks of instruction.
- 0% refund if complete withdrawal or change in status or a change from one tuition rate to another tuition rate is made beginning the fourth week of instruction.
Leeward CC reserves the right to redirect refunds to apply to any financial account balances for another semester.
Contact: Cashier Office, (808) 455-0308
Voter Registration
To register to vote in Hawaii, an individual must be:
- A U.S.citizen
- A resident of the State of Hawaii
- At least eighteen (18) years of age
For voter registration information or to register online click here. A current Hawaii Driver’s License or State ID is required to complete an online application. Individuals may also submit a paper Voter Registration & Permanent Absentee Application by mail, or in person.
The State of Hawaii (HB 2590) allows eligible voters to register and vote at an Early Walk-In voting location in their county, or on Election Day at the polling place determined by their residence address. For more information on Election Day Registration, please visit the State of Hawaii Office of Elections webpage.
Contact: The Hawaii State Office of Elections, (808) 453-VOTE (8683)