NOTICE: Leeward Community College is currently experiencing technical issues with the College’s telephone system. Both incoming and outgoing calls are unavailable. The phone issue is being investigated, but we do not have a timeline on when it will be resolved. Updates will be posted when available. Mahalo for your patience and understanding.

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Office Of Planning, Policy & Assessment

The mission of the Office of Planning, Policy & Assessment (OPPA) is to promote institutional effectiveness by developing, communicating, and maintaining an infrastructure for ongoing planning, policy-making, assessment, institutional research, and grant/contract acquisition and coordination. OPPA provides coordinated assistance to Leeward administrators, faculty, and staff with respect to:

  • Annual program reviews, comprehensive program reviews and institutional budget planning
  • Course learning, program learning and service area outcomes assessment
  • Institutional research and data
  • Grant acquisition, development and management 
  • Campus policy development and review

OPPA Staff Contact Information

Summer Barrett
Coordinator, OPPA
Phone: (808) 455-0597

Princess Soares
Institutional Analyst
Phone: (808) 455-0598

Erin Matsuda
Grants Coordinator
Phone: (808) 455-0495