NOTICE: Leeward Community College is currently experiencing technical issues with the College’s telephone system. Both incoming and outgoing calls are unavailable. The phone issue is being investigated, but we do not have a timeline on when it will be resolved. Updates will be posted when available. Mahalo for your patience and understanding.

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Leeward CC Leadership

Meet Our Admin Team

Carlos Peñaloza

AD 102
(808) 455-0215
Chancellor Webpage

Admin Keala Chock

Keala Chock

Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs/Chief Academic Officer
AD 108
(808) 455-0453
Academic Affairs Webpage

Kelli Brandvold

Vice Chancellor of Administrative Services
AD 111
(808) 455-0213
Administrative Services Webpage

Michelle Igarashi, Dean of Arts and Sciences

Michelle Igarashi

Dean of Arts and Sciences
AD 101B
(808) 455-0664
Office of the Dean of A and S Webpage

Ron Umehira

Dean of Career and Technical Education
AD 101A
(808) 455-0228
Office of the Dean of CTE Webpage

Kami Kato

Dean of Student Services
AD 224 (during renovations DH-A 105)
(808) 455-0260
Dean of Student Services Webpage

Leanne Riseley

Dean of Academic Services
LC 301B
(808) 455-0440
Academic Services Webpage