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Course Program of Study

What Is Course Program Of Study (CPOS)?

Course Program of Study is a process that helps our school stay in compliance with Title IV (federal) guidelines regarding financial aid.   Guidelines state that financial aid can only be awarded for courses that are required for the degree or certificate you are enrolled in. These guidelines make it very important to Make It Count and take the right courses for your degree requirements. Doing so will help you ensure your courses may be eligible for financial aid and will also help you finish your degree faster!

    • How do I know what courses count for this degree/certificate?  You can see your degree plan in your STAR account. Your major will be listed at the top of your GPS Registration page.
    • How do I know what courses count for this degree/certificate?  Your STAR account will be a helpful tool in displaying the required courses for your degree or certificate. They are listed in your STAR Graduation Pathway. You can also click on a requirement for more details regarding what courses count for that requirement.
    • What if I need to change my degree or certificate?

To change your degree or certificate, you will need to complete a Student Data Change Form with the Admissions and Records Office.  The form is available online here.  If you find that your degree or certificate is incorrect, it is very important that you make this change as soon as possible.

Note: Changing your degree may affect your Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) for financial aid. Please click here for more information on our SAP Policy.   If you still have questions, please contact the Financial Aid Office by email at or by phone at (808) 455-0606.

Frequently Asked Questions

Keep your Student record updated

Meet with my academic advisor

  • Make sure you’re going to meet all of your degree requirements.

Keep your student record updated.

How do I know if my classes "count" for financial aid?

When you register, be sure to check your STAR GPS Registration.  Any course listed as NOT IN PLAN or Non-Applicable will not count for financial aid.  Here is how the courses will appear in your STAR:

screenshot in STAR of Fall22 courses that don't count for financial aid

If any of your courses are noted as NOT IN PLAN or Non-Applicable, don’t worry! We encourage you to email or make an appointment with your counselor as soon as possible to determine the best course of action.

You can schedule with a counselor on STAR Balance or by calling the Counseling Office at (808) 455-0233.

Why would a course not "count" for financial aid?

Generally, a course will display as not in the plan because it does not count as a requirement for the degree. This could be because the course is not part of the degree plan or because you took a course(s) that already fulfills that requirement.

A course will display as Non-Applicable when it is a repeat; however, some repeats can count and will be adjusted accordingly.  See the next section for details on repeats that can count for financial aid.

Can I repeat courses and still have them count for financial aid?

Per Title IV guidelines, you may repeat an applicable course once for financial aid if you previously earned a passing grade.  Please see below for some examples of when a repeat of a passed course may or may not be counted towards financial aid:

Course Examples

Ex. 1 F D Enrolled Yes
Ex. 2 C Enrolled Yes
Ex. 3 D C Enrolled No
Ex. 4 D F Enrolled No
Ex. 5 W F Enrolled Yes
Ex. 6 D W Enrolled No
Ex. 7 W Enrolled Yes
Ex. 8 W D Enrolled Yes

 In order for a repeat course to be considered for financial aid, both the first passed attempt and the retake must be taken at Leeward CC.

IMPORTANT: In regards to repeats, Leeward CC will use your most recent attempted course as your standing grade. If you pass a course the first time but fail the course the second time, the second attempt will be counted as your grade. You would need to take that course a third time to earn a higher grade to be counted as your most recent attempt. For more information, please click here and see the section titled Grade Point Average When Courses Are Repeated.

What about courses that can be repeated for credit?

Courses that can be repeated for credit – meaning they can count more than once – can be counted for financial aid.  Click here to see a list of Leeward CC courses that are repeatable for credit.  Be sure to check with your counselor if a repeatable course will be counted towards a requirement in your degree.

What if I am taking courses at another University of Hawai‘i campus?

A course taken at another UH campus may be considered for financial aid at Leeward CC if the following requirements are met:

    • Your home campus is Leeward CC, and you are enrolled for at least one course at Leeward CC.
    • The course taken at another UH campus must apply to your Leeward CC degree (qualify under Course Program of Study).

Contact Information

Contact the Financial Aid Office
Please use your UH email account when communicating with us via email. Please also include your student ID # in your message. If you do not have a UH email account, “Get a UH Username!” to create an account. Our response time for emailed questions may take an estimated 3–5 business days during peak times.

Monday through Friday, 8:00 am to 4:30 pm

96-045 Ala Ike, AD 201 (Student Services Welcome Center)
Pearl City, HI 96782

Phone: (808) 455-0606
Fax: (808) 453-6371
Federal School Code: 004549