Faculty Members Listed by Last Name in Alphabetical Order (Search Accordingly)

This listing fulfills the requirements of University of Hawai‘i Executive Policy 9.214, to publicly post the curriculum vitae for each faculty from a single point on the campus website. For a full listing of Leeward CC employees, visit the UH Faculty/Staff Directory and search by “Leeward” campus.

Joanne Little

Human Services
FA 205 Office Phone: (808) 455-0373
Campus Committee Membership


Other Responsibilities and Activities

On-going liaison with the University of Hawaii Bachelor of Social Work program director, student services director and student advisors to support and prepare learners who are interested in applying for admission. Consult with a legislative analyst regarding bills and ordinances affecting the field of social work. Literature and research review to stay current with developments in the field of social work. Maintain communication with previous students. Self-care including physical, mental and emotional work to stay balanced and remain present in my teaching. Attend classes regularly at the EMC.

Subjects Taught

Social Work 200, HSER 100

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