Faculty Members Listed by Last Name in Alphabetical Order (Search Accordingly)

This listing fulfills the requirements of University of Hawai‘i Executive Policy 9.214, to publicly post the curriculum vitae for each faculty from a single point on the campus website.

For a full listing of Leeward CC employees, visit the UH Faculty/Staff Directory (button below) and search by “Leeward” campus:

Michelle Igarashi, PhD

Dean of Arts and SciencesOffice of the Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs
AD 101B Office Phone: (808) 455-0668

Academic Credentials

BEd, MEd, MA, University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa
PhD, State University of New York at Stony Brook

Campus Committee Membership and Other Responsibilities

Faculty Senate (General Education and Foundations Chair, Student Affairs Committee)
Leeward CC Mission and Vision Committee
Hui Hoʻōla Committee
Student Services Communication Committee
Commencement Audience Engineer Coordinator
UH Early College Task Force
UH/HIDOE Early College Committee
UH General Education System-wide Foundations Board
UH System LGBTQ+ Commission

Interim Student Services Program Officer, Early College Coordinator, Welcome Center Co-Coordinator, Title IX Deputy Coordinator for Students, Behavior Intervention Team, Student Conduct Investigator, Early College Academic Grievance Intake

Categories: Uncategorized
Updated 1 month ago.