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Wai‘anae Moku Partners

Inpeace – Kūlia and Ka Lama Education Academy

The Kūlia and Ka Lama Education Academy, one of several free programs offered through INPEACE (the Institute for Native Pacific Education and Culture), was designed to improve public school education on the Wai‘anae Coast of O‘ahu by recruiting and training local residents that are committed to the community. The Kūlia and Ka Lama Education Academy assists community residents interested in becoming teachers to obtain their Associate in Arts or Associate in Arts in Teaching degree and gain admittance to state-approved teacher education programs in Hawai‘i. They offer tuition-free courses in education, refresher courses in Math and English, Praxis preparation workshops, writing workshops, as well as transfer workshops to other colleges. Leeward Coast residents interested in pursuing a degree in elementary or secondary education can contact the Academy directly at (808) 696-5556 to set an appointment with a community counselor.

Click here for more information on the Kūlia and Ka Lama Education Academy.


The Kauhale program, in partnership with MA‘O Organic Farms, is a 2 year Youth Leadership Training (YLT) internship for Wai‘anae youth (17-24). This internship offers a unique opportunity to start their college career by obtaining an Associate of Arts degree from Leeward Community College while gaining work and leadership experience as a part of our non-profit organization – MA‘O Organic Farms. The YLT interns are provided many services and support aimed at developing grounded, respectful, vibrant, and engaged youth who have a strong understanding of the health and environmental issues in our community as well as how to succeed in the work and college environment to better pursue their career goals.

Contact Wai‘anae Moku

Hours: Monday-Friday, 8:00 am – 4:30 pm
Address: 87-380 Kulaaupuni St. Wai‘anae, HI 96792

Phone: (808) 454-4702

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