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  7. Kupu A Pu’u (KAP)...

Kupu A Pu’u (KAP) Program

Did you know that most students who graduate, do not do so on time? And most stu­dents who go to college part-time don’t finish at all?  College is hard work and many students juggle multiple responsibilities while earning their degrees.

KAP (Kupu Ā Pu’u) is a program only offered at Leeward CC Wai‘anae for students who are transitioning from incarceration, are participating in drug-treatment programs or those aging out of the state’s foster care program. It offers academic, personal, and financial support for students who want to commit to study in order to graduate.

How do I join KAP?

STEP 1 Apply Leeward Community College

STEP 2 Apply for financial aid at www.fafsa.gov

STEP 3 After receiving your Leeward CC decision email, please complete New Student Orientation, meet with a Wai`anae Moku counselor, and let them know that you are interested in the KAP program.

STEP 4 Schedule an appointment with Rick Kang, KAP Program Coordinator, (808-454-4705) for pre-enrollment interview.

Benefits of KAP

Joining KAP will provide you with benefits that will as­sist you in reaching your goal.

  • Academic Advising.
  • Personal Counseling
  • Classes with a small connected community of students
  • Textbook loans and IDAP purchases for selected classes
  • $600 merit-based scholarships.
  • Peer mentor and tutoring support.
  • Financial Aid and scholarship workshops
  • Cultural presentations and off campus activities.

    Program Requirements

    • Attend cohort classes at the Leeward CC Wai’anae campus
    • Agree to be at least a half-time student (6 credits)
    • Attend ALL KAP IS10 success seminars


    Testimonials from 2015-2016 G2FO Students (KAP predecessor program):

    • “I really enjoyed this semester and having to bond with everyone in G2FO and the instructors.  I am very glad that I had the opportunity to be a part of this program.”
    • “I love that we are cared about as a student; that our needs matter.”
    • “I really enjoyed my fall semester!  I am glad that I am a part of the G2FO ʻOhana!”

    For any additional information, please contact
    Rick Kang, Student Services Coordinator,
    rlkang@hawaii.edu (808) 454-4705

    Contact Wai‘anae Moku

    Hours: Monday-Friday, 8:00 am – 4:30 pm
    Address: 87-380 Kulaaupuni St. Wai‘anae, HI 96792

    Phone: (808) 454-4702

    Faculty and Staff Directory