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Budget & Finance User Agreement
- Funding application must be submitted 45 days before event.
- One representative from the funding request, either the submitter, adviser, or division chair, must attend the Budget and Finance meeting.
- Final Budget Form, Purchase Order/Reimbursement forms, and event flyer must be submitted to the Student Life Office, 30 days before the event.
- All receipts must be submitted 3 days after the event or earlier.
- Prizes that have value require the WH1 form to be completed by the recipient.
Completing the B&F Online Funding Workshop
- Please complete the online workshop and email Lexer Chou, achou@hawaii.edu when it is completed. Every RISO must have one designated member complete the workshop before requesting funds.
Restricted Items
Money will not be granted for the following:
- Advance payment to vendors
- Cash payments
- Gift Cards
- Class Assignments
- Events that serve alcohol
- Events not open to all Leeward Students
- Sale of raffle tickets
- Furniture Purchases/Large Equipment purchases
- Gifts to University employees, including staff and faculty
- Payment of organization debt
- Payment of organization members for services rendered
- Past expenditures
- Scholarships
- Applications that do not have supporting documents attached to it
- Requests not in compliance with B&F guidelines and procedures
- Payments to University employees, including staff, faculty, and students
- Student groups not registered with the Student Life Office
- RISOs on hold
- Travel Expenses (exception: to UH sponsored events)
Two Strike Policy
- Cancellation or re-schedule must be done 48 hours in advance by e-mailing the Budget and Finance Chairperson.
- One representative from the funding request, either the submitter, adviser, or division chair, must attend the Budget and Finance meeting.
- If no representative attends, it will be considered a no show.
- After one no show, the organization/department must submit a new application by the following Friday.
- After two no shows, no money will be approved for the current semester.
Virtual Programming Guidelines
- If you are applying for funds for virtual programming please review the guidelines.