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Budget & Finance Committee

The Budget and Finance Committee (B&F) is a sub-committee of ASUH-Leeward CC. This committee focuses on properly allocating funding to student organizations and campus departments in co-sponsoring their events/programs to educate and provide social and learning programs outside of the classroom. B&F was established to appropriately allocate student fees to RISOs and campus divisions in a fair and organized process.

If interested in being a part of this committee please email Lexer Chou.

Requesting Funds

Clubs must complete the B&F Funding Training before they can request funds. Training is optional for campus divisions, but highly recommended.

Funding Information

  • Available funds: $5,000/semester
  • Maximum RISO request/semester: $500
  • Maximum Campus Divisions request/semester: $1200/semester with a max of $300 per event


  • B&F uses the following criteria in determining where funds are to be allocated:
    • Importance of activity to the Leeward campus, groups, and individual students
    • Degree of planning and prospects for success
    • Whether the group has used funds responsibly in the past
  • Requests must be submitted at least 45 days prior to event date
  • A representative from the organization must attend the B&F meeting and can only be the Advisor, Division Chair, or the requestor.
  • B&F will inform the organization within 2 weeks of submission date if their request or portion of their requests has been approved or denied.
  • The Final Budget Form, Reimbursement/Purchase Order Form, and event flyer must be submitted 30 days prior to the event.
  • All receipts must be submitted 3 days after the event date to the Student Life Office.

Submission of Funding Requests

  • The B&F Chair will email requestors within 2 days of the submitted request and determine a meeting time that will be held within 7 days via Zoom.

Funding Request Process

  • Read and understand the User Agreement before submitting the Funding Application.
  • Attend the Scheduled B&F Meeting
    • At the meeting you will be given 15 minutes to present your funding proposal and answer questions the committee may have.
  • Within one week B&F will inform you of their decision to partially fund, fully fund, or deny your request.
  • B&F Committee has no obligation to fund any group.

Funding Applications

Please read the User Agreement before completing your respective application form. One application per event.

Funding Checklist

To simplify the process, please see the checklist to ensure that you completed all the necessary steps of the funding process.

  • 45 days or more before first day of event- Submit the Funding Application
  • 30 days or more before first day of event- Submit a typed and signed Final Budget Form with event flyer attached to the Student Life Office. (Draft of the flyer is acceptable.) Submit Purchase Order and/or Reimbursement Form and Honorarium forms to the Student Life Office
  • 3 days or less after the last day of event- Submit all invoices, receipts, etc. to the Student Life Office

User Agreement

B&F Forms

There are several forms that your organization needs to fill out to expedite the funding process once youʻre approved by B&F. The forms are in order of submission.

Submit 30 days before event:

  • Final Budget Form: Must sign and submit to the Student Life Office.
    After you receive the email from the B&F Chair indicating what the committee approved, your organization must submit this form to start processing the request. This is the detailed information of what you will purchase now that your organization knows your approval amount. Remember, you must submit an event flyer. A draft of a flyer is accepted.

Submit at least 30 days before event:

  • Purchase Order Form
    If you want to pay with a purchase order, verify that the vendor takes PO and submit this form to the Student Life Office or email the B&F Chair. Here is a list of vendors who take PO (subject to change).
    Please note that all PO will be mailed, unless specified in the “special instructions” area that you want to hand deliver.
  • Reimbursement Form
    Filling out this form will help expedite the process of getting your purchases pre-approved. You cannot purchase items until the B&F Chair informs you (via email to the requestor) that you’ve been approved. If you purchase items before you’re pre-approved then you will not get reimbursed.
  • Honorarium Forms
    Honorariums must be for non-UH employees/students. If they are being paid as an individual they will complete the WH-1 form and the non employee invoice form. If they are being paid as a business/company they will complete they W-9 form and submit a company invoice.

Submit 3 business days after event:

B&F Committee Members

Fill out our application if you are interested in being part of the B&F Committee.