Leeward CC Academic and Student Services
- ADA Accommodations
- Bookstore
- Counseling and Advising Services
- Library
- Tutoring
- Test Proctoring at the Test Center
Other Sites and Support Resources
- UH Student Guide for Online Learning
- Listing of UHCC Distance Learning Courses
- MyUH Services
- UH ITS Technology Information for Students
- Faculty Directory
Help Desks
- Support for Leeward CC students
- Phone: (808) 455-0271
- Email: lcchelp@hawaii.edu
- Support for students from all campuses
- 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, including holidays
- Phone: (808) 956-8883
- Toll Free: (neighbor isles) (800) 558-2669
- Email: help@hawaii.edu
Online Learning Tools
- Log into Lamakū at: https://lamaku.hawaii.edu
- For help, visit Lamakū’s Request Assistance
Video Web Conferencing
- Join a Zoom meeting
- Tutorial for students (by: UH Online)
- Support via UH ITS Help Desk
Google Meet
- Join a Google Meet meeting
- Tutorial for students (by: UH Online)
- Support via UH ITS Help Desk
DE Student FAQs
What is a Distance Education (DE) course?
Distance Education (DE) course is a course that is delivered to you electronically. At Leeward CC, DE courses are offered via cable television, or the Internet. Instructors utilize various methods of communication to conduct the course, such as Web 2.0 technologies, social networking, threaded discussions, email, web conferencing, audio, and video.
What is a Distance Education (DE) course?
A Distance Education (DE) course is a course that is delivered to you electronically. At Leeward CC, DE courses are offered via the Internet. Instructors utilize various methods of communication to conduct the course, such as social networking tools, threaded discussions, email, web conferencing, and multimedia tools.
What are the requirements for applying to Leeward CC?
Visit https://www.leeward.hawaii.edu/enroll to review the requirements for applying to Leeward CC.
What are the tuition costs?
- Tuition costs depend on your place of residency. If you are a local resident, the tuition (which changes every couple of semesters) will be around $131/credit hour. If you are a Non-Resident, the tuition will be around $345/credit hour. There are also student fees that you must also pay which include (Student Activity Fee, Student Publication Fee, and Student Health Center Fee).
- Please refer to https://www.leeward.hawaii.edu/tuition for more information.
How do I apply for financial aid?
Please refer to https://www.leeward.hawaii.edu/finaid
How do I find out if my existing credits will transfer?
- You will need to submit a Transcript Evaluation Form. If you want the coursework at a previous college to be considered towards your academic goal, your transcript(s) need to be reviewed. This is optional, however, if you plan on receiving financial aid, or Veterans Administration benefits, then it is required.
- For more information visit https://www.leeward.hawaii.edu/transcript-eval
Do university transcripts show if courses were taken online?
No, they do not.
I am an international student, are there additional requirements that I may need?
The minimum requirements needed for Degree Programs are:
- You must be 18 years of age OR you must have completed high school or the equivalent.
- You must have a minimum TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language) score of 61iBT (500PBT), or IELTS score of 5.5, or STEP EIKEN 2A OR you enroll and complete the Leeward English Language Institute.
- You will need to fill out the International Student Application Form, pay a non-refundable $25 USD fee, submit a bank statement of the person responsible for payment, a High School Diploma, TOEFL score, and a copy of your passport.
- For students transferring from any US college or university: submit the Transfer In form completed and signed by your current US institution. Submit a copy of the I-20 from your current institution. TOEFL requirement: If you have completed English 100 or an equivalent course at a US university/college, the TOEFL requirement may be waived. Submit a copy of your transcripts with your application and contact us for more information.
Please refer to https://www.leeward.hawaii.edu/apply-international.
What do I need to do before registering for Distance Education courses?
- The first step is to apply to Leeward CC, after you have been admitted as a student, you can register for the course. Registration is done via STAR, a Guided Pathway to Graduation. Video tutorials and a step-by-step guide can be found on the STAR Help YouTube Page.
- Please refer to https://www.leeward.hawaii.edu/registration.
- If you need further assistance, please schedule an appointment with your counselor at https://star.hawaii.edu/appointment/ or by calling the counseling office at (808) 455-0233.
Do I physically need to come to campus to enroll in classes at Leeward CC?
No, registration is done online via star.hawaii.edu. If you need assistance with registration, please call the counseling front office at (808) 455-0233 to schedule an appointment with your counselor.
What personal and technical skills do I need to take a Distance Education course?
Any student can take a DE course. Take the quick “Am I Ready for Distance Learning?” quiz to see if Distance Education courses are right for you.
What technology/equipment/software requirements do I need to take an online course?
For online courses, you should have access to a computer with Internet access. You should also have a backup plan, in case you’re in a situation where you lose Internet, your computer fails, etc. to ensure you can finish your coursework by the required deadlines. Refer to the UH Student Guide for Online Learning for tips and support for taking online courses.
Are exams online also? Do I have to come on campus to take the exam?
This depends on the instructor. Please ask your instructor how exams will be conducted – whether you have to come to campus to take a proctored exam or if exams will be online.
How do I access the online courses I registered for?
You are able to access your courses (including online courses) by logging into the following websites with your UH username and password http://myuh.hawaii.edu and http://laulima.hawaii.edu.
When is the deadline to pick up books and the needed materials for Distance Education courses?
The deadline to pick up books varies between semesters. If you are unable to pick up books (if ordered online), please do not select the “pick up” option. All orders not picked up will be voided and canceled.
Can I work at my own pace or do I have to follow a schedule when taking a Distance Education course?
Most instructors have a schedule for completing the class. You will need to refer to your syllabus for details about when assignments/tests are due.
Are there scheduled times that I need to be available to participate in my Distance Education classes?
- For Cable Courses: lectures are over Oceanic Channel 55 or Craig Television Channel 21. You can watch the course at the time of broadcast or record it for a more convenient playback time. Teleweb courses’ primary method of instruction is via television yet, you are also required to log on to the Internet for additional course material and communication.
- For two-way interactive video courses: allow students to take courses from other UH campuses. You are required to attend class at an interactive video classroom site here on the Leeward CC campus. These classes are conducted in a “live-real time” interactive setting.
- Internet courses are interactive courses delivered using the Web. Online Classes allow you to access your class material via the Internet and study at the times and places that fit into your busy lifestyle.
- Please refer to https://www.leeward.hawaii.edu/distance-education.
Do I ever need to physically come to campus if I take a Distance Education class?
- This question depends on whether or not your instructor needs you to come to campus. The best solution is to contact the instructor that you will be taking a class with. To find out who is teaching the course, check online. Click on the CRN number to view more details of the course. From there it will tell you the instructor’s name and when you click on it, it will give you their email address. If it says “TBA”, contact the division to find out who is teaching the course.
- Some courses require that you come to campus to take tests; some require that the final exam be taken on campus or at a proctored location; and still others have no face-to-face requirements. Refer to your syllabus for the course for details, or prior to enrolling in the course, you may ask/email the instructor for details.
Does a distance education course require less time to complete than regular on-campus course?
Because most online courses follow a schedule of activities that last the entire term or semester, plan for your distance education course to last the same amount of time as an on-campus course.
What if I need the library?
What if I need the library?
For more information please visit the Leeward CC library web site: https://www.leeward.hawaii.edu/library/
What if I need a tutor?
- We provide a friendly place where you can get help with your courses, develop confidence in your own abilities, and strengthen your learning skills. We offer a variety of help, including tutoring and many other services–and it’s all free!
- For more information please visit: https://www.leeward.hawaii.edu/tutoring
- To schedule an appointment with a tutor please go to: https://www.leeward.hawaii.edu/tutoring
Who do I talk to if I have questions about taking Distance Education courses?
- Every student is important to us. We want to ensure your success in academics as well as in life. Our experienced counselors and advisors are here year-round to help you reach your goals or just help with challenges.
- All counselors can assist you with:
- Personal Concerns – work with a counselor to resolve any problems that are interfering with your ability to concentrate and complete your assignments
- Academic Advising – develop an academic plan that will identify the courses you will take each semester until you have earned your degree or certificate
- Career Exploration and Planning – identify the careers or career clusters that reflect the abilities, interests, and values you want to use in your career
- For more information, please visit: https://www.leeward.hawaii.edu/counseling
How much do I need to know about technology to be able to take an online course?
A student should have basic computer skills including:
- Operate a Windows-based or Mac computer
- Perform common computer operations such as:
- Create folders
- Find, copy, move, rename, and delete files
- Create backup files
- Create, edit, format, spell check, save, retrieve, and print a document
- Copy/paste information
- Use email to:
- Send, receive, store, and retrieve messages
- Send, receive, and open attachments
- Utilize a web browser to:
- Access the Internet
- Open Web pages
- Open, print, and save in Adobe Acrobat (.pdf)
- Copy URLs to Microsoft Word
- Use a search engine
How do I know if I am correctly enrolled in the course?
Course enrollment can be found in your MyUH Portal account. Go to Review my course schedule to view your class list (current term enrollment).
What if my Internet access is down and I have an assignment due?
- Phone your instructor immediately and ask for guidance. Leave him/her a voice message immediately! Because there are always potential problems with technology, never wait until the last minute to submit an assignment.
- Find Internet access! Call a friend who has a computer; visit a public library and use their computer; if you have wireless, go to McDonald’s or Starbucks!
Where can I see my grades?
Grades are available on Star Degree Check at the end of the semester (Check your academic calendar for dates.)
How do I add a course?
To officially add a class, you need to access your MyUH account to process the add. If the class is closed, the instructor’s approval is required in order to enroll. Once faculty approval is secured, you must still register for the course either via MyUH account or in person at the Admissions and Records Office, AD 220 (for a $5 fee). All deadlines related to adding are on the Academic Calendar or the Part of Term table for modular/accelerated courses. If you need help, visit the “How to Add Courses” tutorial.
How do I drop a course?
- Please visit https://www.leeward.hawaii.edu/registration-add-drop
- See the academic calendar for important deadlines for semester-long courses.
For exact erase, withdrawal, and tuition refund deadlines for accelerated or modular classes, please contact our Admissions and Records Office at lccar@hawaii.edu or at (808) 455-0642.
How do I get a copy of my transcript?
- To obtain a copy of your permanent record (transcript) from Leeward CC, please visit https://www.leeward.hawaii.edu/transcript-req/.
- Looking for a Transcript Evaluation from a previously attended college? Please visit https://www.leeward.hawaii.edu/transcript-eval.
What do I do if one of my courses does not appear in the “My Active Sites” area in Laulima?
If you successfully log in to Laulima and see either no course(s) listed, only your old course(s) listed, or not the course(s) you’re looking for, the access problem is likely due to one of the following:
- Laulima does not yet have a record of your enrollment in the course in question. Registrar information takes 24-48 hours from the time of enrollment (not counting weekend days) to be reflected in Laulima.
- The instructor of the course you’re looking for is not using Laulima.
Are distance learning courses easier than taking the class on campus?
Students have different opinions about the difficulty of distance learning classes. The course content and objectives are the same as in face-to-face courses. The reading requirement can be intensive. All agree distance learning courses require a lot of discipline. You must be your own motivator.
Is there an orientation that I can take that will familiarize me with Laulima?
There is an online student orientation, and registration information will be forthcoming, which will help you learn to access and use common Laulima tools.
Who is responsible for initial contact, the student or the instructor?
Unless otherwise instructed, the student should access the course on the first day of classes, just as you would attend class on the first day in a traditional classroom.
Do distance education courses require less time to complete than regular on campus courses?
No, in fact, research shows that they often take more time to complete.
Are there other students in my distance education course and will I be “aware” of them (will I know their names and will I be able to communicate with them)?
Student-to-student interactions will vary across courses. Some courses will require weekly interactions via an online discussion board, while other courses may require no student-to-student interactivity.
Will I get any help from the instructor during the semester, or am I on my own?
All distance education faculty are available via phone and email. In any course, the level of one-to-one interaction between a faculty member and a student varies. In a distance course, however, there is an added factor that shouldn’t be overlooked. Receiving help depends upon the extent to which the student seeks that help.
UH Policies and Procedures
- Student Complaint Process (e.g. not replying to email inquiries in a timely manner, not providing a syllabus, not holding office hours, not returning a graded assignment/exam, not having an up-to-date grade book)
- DE Student concerns (Dean of Student Services)
- ADA Compliance
- Participation Verification