A Note about Accelerated and Modular (Part-of-Term) Classes
Modular or accelerated courses, which are shorter than semester-long classes and have different start and end dates, have different withdrawal and tuition refund deadlines than full-term classes. These deadlines generally come up much faster for accelerated classes–in some cases within the first few days of class–because the courses themselves run for a shorter period of time.
For the exact erase, withdrawal, and tuition refund deadlines for your accelerated or modular class, please contact our Admissions and Records Office at lccar@hawaii.edu or at (808) 455-0642. You can also walk into our Student Services Welcome Center during hours of operation.
Course Withdrawal and Financial Aid
Withdrawing from your classes, no matter when it occurs may have an impact on your financial aid award and/or your future financial aid eligibility. Please be sure to consult the Financial Aid Office if you are planning to withdraw from classes.