Hawaiian Studies Program The AA in Hawaiian Studies is designed to provide either the first two years of a baccalaureate program in Hawaiian Studies or to prepare students for study in other, broader fields of science, humanities, arts, and social sciences. In This...
Health Information Technology Organize. Communicate. Advance. The U.S. Department of Labor states that employment in the Health Information Technology (HIT) field is projected to grow nearly twice as fast as the average for all occupations in future years! As the...
Human Services Substance Use Disorders Counseling Substance use disorders counseling is a demanding, yet rewarding, field of human service that requires patience, compassion, a keen desire to help others, field-specific knowledge and skill, as well a good deal of...
History Why take history? By learning about culture and society, morality and ethics, you’ll develop an understanding of humanity and how to become a better world citizen. You’ll gain a better perspective of how our government (and others around the world) operates,...
Info and Computer Science Today’s world revolves around technology…creating a continually increasing need for skilled ICS workers! With Leeward’s ICS program, you can prepare for employment in a variety of IT areas: Network Support Information Security Software...
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